God as Elohim, The Loan Christ gave us, and the scriptual connection of the Bible to Europe August 22, 2018 body and blood Bread and wine Elohim Europe hebrew loan Majestic Plural Paleo Runes struggle Vinca +
False Flag Attacks July 25, 2018 9/11 bombs false flag inside job Nikolas Cruz Paddock Parkland Sandy Hoax Sandy Hook school shooting Vegas World Trade Center wtc +
MKUltra and other means of mindcontrol July 17, 2018 Black Projects CIA DID Dissociative Identity Disorder Kim Noble Mindcontrol MKUltra Mockingbird Trauma +
On the NASA and their lies June 11, 2018 fake hebrew landing mars moon NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration rodent spider statue to deceive UFO +
Interesting Documents May 24, 2018 CIA Clinton Documents Flying Saucer JFK John Kennedy Mails NASA Oswald Pizzagate Release Remote UFO Viewing Wikileaks +
Pizzagate April 27, 2018 Abuse Biden Cheese Child Clinton Moloch Pedo Pizza Podesta Ritual Sacrifice Satanism Torture +
Nazi UFOs and Hollow Earth April 18, 2018 Antarctica Break away Flying Saucers gravity Hollow Earth mercury NASA Nazi Repulsine Schauberger Schumann shielding UFO +
Symbolism of the old and new April 12, 2018 666 Black Cube Boaz christ Flower of Life Freemason Jachin Remphan Saturn Seal of Solomon Seed of Life Star of David sun Symbolism washington monument +
The knowledge of the ancients April 12, 2018 432 Alchemy Ancient Annunaki Baalbek Behemoths Bible Chakra Christianity Dinosaurs Fallen Angel Frequency Genesis Graham Hancock Hollow Earth Occult Pyramid Seed of Life Sound Levitation Sumerian +